Family Books on Grin

This book brings to light the life of an unusual family, in which the well-known Swiss paediatrician Dr. med. Marie Meierhofer, the author's aunt has grown up. She is also related to the Maier family, about whom two biographies by the same author have already been published by GRIN Verlag: "Gustav Maier - Sponsor of the Young Albert Einstein" and "Hans Wolfgang Maier - Eduard Einstein's Doctor". In fact, Marie Meierhofer had studied with Prof. Dr. med. Hans Wolfgang Maier and received her doctorate in psychiatry in Zurich; as a result, her younger sister Emmi had met and married a son of Hans Wolfgang Maier. The book shows a brief cross-section of the 20th century with its industrial pioneers such as Albert Meierhofer and artists such as the painter Marie Meierhofer-Lang, surrounded by pioneers in ballooning and flying, around Zurich and Aarau.

How does it feel to be the completely unknown sister of an internationally famous and acclaimed child psychiatrist? That was the fate of my mother, Emmi Maier, née Meierhofer, as the younger sister of Dr med, Dr phil hc, Marie Meierhofer, the Zurich paediatrician who died in 1998, with an institute of the same name in Zurich and two streets named Marie-Meierhofer, one in Zurich, and one in Turgi, canton of Aargau. No, there is no Emmi-streer in Switzerland, but that is precisely why it was important to me to bring her out of her shadowy existence and to shed light on the stages of her unusual life: at the age of 20 she was an orphan, her parents had been killed in accidents, her mother in 1925, her father in 1931. Until then, she had been the proud daughter of a factory director, until after his death it was suddenly realized that he had lost his fortune in the 1929 stock market crash. The shares of his factory, the Bronzewarenfabrik AG Turgi, also known as BAG, a lighting fixture factory of European proportions, still existed, but no longer had any value. His three daughters, Marie, called Maiti, Emmi and Albertine, called Tineli, were left with nothing. Maiti had already successfully passed the first exams of her medical studies in Zurich, so she was allowed to continue her studies. The younger sisters, on the other hand, were instructed to earn money as quickly as possible. So it came about that Emmi first took care of the household in order to provide a home for the orphaned sisters. Emmi, however, did not get much glamour from it; it was only when she married a doctor and gave birth to 3 girls that her social status improved a little, but was far below the fame earned by her sister herself. In this book, the stages of Emmi's life are mentioned and illustrated with material from her family archive.
Family Book on Lulu

Soon on Lulu